
Regular Web searching
  • Google automatically searches words in the following order: words beside each other in the order typed in; words in any orders further part; either word typed in. The following instructions force Google to search in a particular way.

  • Quotes around phrase, e.g., "John Kennedy", searches for John Kennedy.

  • Minus immediately in front of word, e.g., virus -software, searches for virus, but leaves out Web pages with the word software. Notice there is no space between the - and the word, i.e., -software, not - software. Compare retrieved lists for:
  • Some words are not searched: the, an, a, for. There will be exceptions when one of these words is part of a name, e.g., The Who.

  • Singular words retrieves singular and plural forms of words. Searching fruit retrieves fruit and fruits.

  • Synonyms are sometimes searched for. Automobiles retrieves links to automobiles and cars, but cars are not bolded. You can force synonyms with a tilde before words: ~cats retrieves cat, cats, kitten, kittens, pet, pets, animal, animals, etc.